Dr. Thiago Felipe Avanci

Ph.D. in Economic and Political Law at Mackenzie Presbyterian University (Brazil)

He holds a Ph.D. in Economic and Politic Law at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie (Brazil - 2020), with a full scholarship and summa cum laude approval. He holds a Post-Doctoral stage at the Mediterranea International Center for Human Rights Research, connected with Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria (Italy - 2021), with a full scholarship. He is a Master-in-Law at the Catholic University of Santos - UNISANTOS (Brazil - 2011), with a full CAPES scholarship and summa cum laude approval. Postgraduate in Public Management, Municipal Public Management at the Federal University of São Paulo - UNIFESP (Brazil - 2019). Professor of Law School at Universidade Paulista - UNIP (Brazil - 2014-...), at São Judas Tadeu UNIMONTE campus (Brazil - 2017-...), and at Universidade Católica de Santos (Brazil - 2022-...). Professor of Post-degree Law courses at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie (Brazil - 2022-...).

Chairperson of the Escola Superior de Advocacia of OAB/SP Guarujá (Brazil - 2022 - ...) Researcher at the Society and Technology Study Center (CEST)/Escola Politécnica /Universidade de São Paulo (Brazil - 2020-...). Advisory board member of the IGOAI (England - 2021-...) and of the Global AI Ethics (France - 2021-...). Scientific editor of the Journal of Liberty and International Affairs (North Macedonia - 2021 - ...). INEP/MEC Evaluator (Brazil - 2018-...). He is a Lawyer and a Legal Head since 2008; a human resources manager, and a legal department manager since 2008; a professor of law since 2009; and a municipal civil servant since 2019. He is the author of several legal books.

12:15 PM


Axiology and Courts decision, jurimetrics and due process

Dr. Thiago Felipe Avanci, Ph.D. in Economic and Political Law at Mackenzie Presbyterian University (Brazil)