JULY 2020

Upcoming WebSummit on

AI Virtual Conference - (English) Session 3

In Association with

BotTalk AI in Navigating The Pandemic

The pandemic has forced businesses across the world to rewrite the norms. AI and machine-based learning technologies have been playing a substantial role in response to the COVID-19. Global CIO Forum is absolutely delighted to partner with The AI Society Bahrain in organizing the BotTalk Websummit that would revolve around how AI is central to all operations across sectors and how the future will be designed. Global CIO Forum, which currently operates in 30 countries with a network of over 15,000 C-level executives, will further leverage this event and work closely with the AI Society in making this one of the benchmark events in this pandemic.

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Chief Honourably Guest Speaker


Conference Chairman


Dr. Jassim Haji

President, IGOAI Community



Ahmed Naeemi

Head of Digital Transformation & Project Management, BIBF

Dr. Mohammed Nass

Chairman True Care Solutions Middle East & Founding Partner Vatex

Kai Miething

Entrepreneur & Founder of W-AI-STE

Jawad Al-Alawi

Technology & Security Expert



Khalid Rashid Jalal

Senior Group ICT Manager, Garmco

Organized By


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